About me
pronouns: they/them
My name is Ronnie, but I go by Moontomes in most places. I hail from Portugal, and, as of writing this, I am in my very late twenties. Like a lot of people my age, I grew up on the internet.
At first, the internet was the place where I came to look for books, anime, learning languages, and questionable flash games. Then I started sharing my own stuff on blogs, forums… And I became what they call a nerd.
Further on, I thought it would be fun to stream. I wanted to learn how things worked on the streamer's side, but I also wanted to improve my speaking skills. And thus, Moontomes was born. I am a Vtuber, a recluse lunar librarian whose best friend is a white cat named Findley.
On Twitch, I focus on games that are story-centric. I cover a lot of indie titles, as they're usually my favorites. Let's not forget my 650+ hours in Stardew Valley. That is not to say I don't play other types of games. I also enjoy something like Project Zomboid, Fatal Frame… and you can occasionally find me playing a AAA game five years after its release. My community seems to enjoy my indie recommendations. It's always a heartwarming moment when I can introduce someone to a narrative that touches them.
I still write sporadically. You can find some of my work on this website. Nowadays, I prefer short stories, but I've also finished two TTRPG projects. In the real world I am an aspiring web developer to pay the bills (hopefully).
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